Account management
How do I change my password?
Go to the My Account page and click the "Change Password" link. Type in your current password, enter a new password and confirm the new password, then click the "Save" button.
How do I change my email address?
Go to the My Account page and click the "Edit" link. Select "Change Email", type in the new Email Address and your current password, then click the "Save" button.
Can my account have multiple children?
Yes - if you did not add more than one student when creating your account, you can do so on the "Managing Students" page via the "My Account" page. There is a limit of 10 students per account.
One of my students has finished school. How do I remove a student from my account?
You can remove students from your account on the "Managing Students" page via the "My Account" page. Find the student you want to be removed from your account and move them over to the "Graduated Students" section.
Can I change the school my student is assigned to?
Yes - you can edit the school a student is assigned to on the "Managing Students" page via the "My Account" page. Find the student you would like to edit and click the pencil icon.
Can I order for more than one student in the same purchase?
If your order is for a different school and student, you will need to place this order seperately.
Can I purchase from both schools in the same order?
You can order for students from different schools at the same time. The only difference is the order will no longer be able to be Delivered to School.
If the account is set up in my student's name, will my credit/debit card still be processed?
Yes, the name on the account does not need to match the name of the person making the payment.